
Einstein Higher Edu Solutions is modernizing underwriting for private student loans

Written by Aaron Pisacane | 24 Jun 2021

Aaron Pisacane is taking his 26 years of experience in private student loans, including recently as Chief Credit Officer of the largest student loan lender, to help hardworking students pay for college. His new company exists to modernize the underwriting process of private student loans.


Student risk becomes the foundational basis to underwrite private student loans

Traditional bank and nonprofit lenders require undergraduate students obtain a cosigner to secure a private student loan to pay for college. The problem is that not all hard working college students have parents with good credit. Also, placing the burden on parents with good credit to pay for 4-5 years of college is asking a lot.  Einstein Higher Edu Solutions has solved this problem by focusing on a student’s academic track and other factors to determine a student’s likelihood of successfully paying back their loans. 

Current societal upheavals that were accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic demands that lenders look beyond traditional underwriting models to lend to individuals that need access to credit at reasonable rates.   Regulators in other loan products seem to now support creative underwriting solutions to expand credit for diversity and inclusion. 


Looking beyond the cosigner increases access to paying for college

By looking at the accomplishments of college students and other relevant risk factors, access to credit is opened up at acceptable interest rates to students and acceptable risk levels to lenders. Einstein Higher Edu Solutions seeks to be a catalyst to society by powering diversity and inclusion in our economic system.  


Don’t let your traditional underwriting models remain obstacles to hardworking students in realizing their dreams.  Visit our website  to learn how Einstein Higher Edu Solutions can help you.